Dr. Scarlet Guest Appearance on the Well Connected Relationships Podcast

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be a guest on the Well Connected Relationships Podcast and discuss how to work with distress over the war in Ukraine.

Click HERE to listen

White and green logo that reads: "Well Connected Relationships with compassion expert, Michelle Becker, LMFT"
White and green logo that reads: “Well Connected Relationships with compassion expert, Michelle Becker, LMFT”


How You Can Support Ukraine and Yourself

While most of us are struggling with the tragic realities of the war in Ukraine, there are ways to help. Here are some links to some verified humanitarian charities you can donate to.

Charity Links:

UNICEF   Doctors Without Borders   CARE    Convoy of Hope    Red Cross    CORE

International Medical Corps    International Rescue Committee (Rescue.org)

Meditations for Peace:


Mental Health For Ukraine Resource Documents:

Managing Distress in War and Crisis in English

Managing Distress in War and Crisis in Russian





Dr. Scarlet on the Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance Coaching Podcast

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be invited to be a guest on the Catalyst Health, Wellness, & Performance Coaching Podcast.

Click HERE to Listen.

Woman in a green field raising her hands up to a blue & cloudy sky. Words read: "Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance"
Woman in a green field raising her hands up to a blue & cloudy sky. Words read: “Catalyst Health, Wellness & Performance”

Dr. Scarlet Consults on Mental Health for DC’s Young Justice

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be the mental health consultant for DC’s Young Justice. Check out the new season of Young Justice on HBO Max.

Click here to read the article about DC’sYoung Justice and Mental Health

What is Ableist Oppression?

Have you ever been told to “get over it,” or “look on the bright side,” or “it could’ve been worse,” or that the person you’re grieving “wouldn’t want you to feel this way?” Join Dr. Scarlet as she explains what she calls “Ableist Oppression” and how well intentioned friends and family can unintentionally become an oppressor to people going through a trauma or mental illness. Feelings are meant to be felt, that’s why they’re called feelings. Our emotions are the source of our superpowers, It’s time for a mental health rebellion. Will you join her?

Dr. Scarlet Interviewed about her new book, “It Shouldn’t Be This Way” on News 8 San Diego

Dr. Scarlet was thrilled to be interviewed by News 8 about her new book and how our emotions can be our greatest strength.


Click HERE to watch the interview