Dr. Scarlet’s NEWSHOUSE interview – People Turn to Fandoms to Cope With Covid-19

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be interviewed by The Newshouse on why people have been Turing to fandoms to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read the Article HERE

Dr. Scarlet joins the Capes on the Couch podcast to discuss Black Widow

Dr Scarlet had a great time on the Capes on the Couch podcast as they discuss Black Widow and Superhero Therapy.

Click here to listen to the episode.

Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Surpasses 100K Downloads!

We’re so excited to announce that the Harry Potter Therapy Podcast has reached 100k downloads. Thank you so much to all our magical listeners out there! We love and appreciate each and every one of you.

To celebrate this exciting milestone we are giving away 10 FREE copies of Dr. Scarlet’s book, “Harry Potter Therapy,” which can be personally signed to you (U.S. only), as well as a FREE Hera dragopurr emotional support plushie.

Continue reading Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Surpasses 100K Downloads!

Check out the Super-Women Book Trailer!

Dr. Scarlet is thrilled for the US release of Super-Women. Check out this awesome book trailer by New Harbinger.

Dr. Janina Scarlet TEDx talk: “This is Your Origin Story”

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be invited by Akita International University in Japan (AkitaIntlu) to participate in a TEDx talk for their “Ideas Worth Spreading” event in November 2020.

Every day, people struggle, and so do superheroes. If you are struggling, remember that this is your hero’s journey. And if you are scared, this is you being brave. You matter. You make a difference. So, please, keep superheroing and don’t forget your cape. You can watch her beautiful talk below:

Dr. Scarlet to join Jameela Jamil, Joe Gatto, Chase Masterson and a number of experts for a Virtual Mental Health Roundtable

Join Dr. Janina Scarlet as she joins Jameela Jamil, Joe Gatto, Chase Masterson and a great group of experts for a virtual mental health roundtable on 3/25/2021, at 5:30 PST / 8:30 EST!

Dr. Scarlet invited as special guest on the Art of Charm Podcast

Join Dr. Janina Scarlet as she dives into Superhero Therapy and unlocking your inner superhero.

Click HERE to hear the podcast.


Dr. Scarlet a Featured Speaker at the Make An Impact live virtual conference.

Dr. Scarlet is honored to be presenting at the Make An Impact live virtual conference on January 29th at 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Don’t miss her talk on Superhero Therapy: Understanding how pop culture, cosplay, and video games can help clients recover from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Please click the link below to save 10% on the course registration fee.

Click HERE for Event Information and Registration