Connecting with the Force includes a certain kind of practice – the practice of mindfulness. This means noticing how you are feeling and what is going on around you in real time. Most of the time we are in a rush, overwhelmed, and stuck inside our own minds. So then, how can we practice using the Force? Continue reading Star Wars Challenge: Use the Force
Category: Psychology
Pokémon Go and Psychology
Pokémon Go is a mobile app, which is quickly taking over the world. In just two weeks after its release the free app has made over $1 billion worldwide through optional in-game purchases. Streets and parks are busy with people playing the game on their phones and yet the media is full of dangerous warnings about this game. Do the benefits of this game outweigh the risks or should people stop playing this game immediately?
Do you deserve to be loved?
Do you deserve to be loved?
That’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Some might say, it depends on whether you are a good person. Others might say that love is unconditional.
In some cultures, including one I was raised in, parents might use love as a kind of privilege, something to be earned, deserved, not readily given. I’ve heard some parents telling their children that if they do not behave well, their parents will leave them and become a parent to another child. This suggests that love can be given as a reward or removed as punishment.
The true magic of fantasy books
Last week L. A. Times released an article about Graeme Whiting, a Headmaster at an English school, who claimed that fantasy books, such as ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘Lord of the Rings, ‘Hunger Games,’ and ‘Terry Pratchett’s ‘Discworld’ may become addictive and might cause brain damage in children. This blog post is a response to that article. Continue reading The true magic of fantasy books
The psychology of Shannara: Using the Elfstones
By Jay Scarlet
The recent announcement that MTV has decided to renew The Shannara Chronicles for a season 2, along with the apparent likelihood that the new season will continue to follow the same characters (rather than skipping straight to adapting the next book in Terry Brooks’ Shannara series, which features the next generation of heroes), means that writers of the television show will have an opportunity to delve more into some of the psychological nuance that pervades the novels. In no case is this more necessary than in that of Wil Ohmsford and his use of the Elfstones.
Continue reading The psychology of Shannara: Using the Elfstones
Doctor Who helps children with depression
Doctor Who, a BBC science fiction television series that has been running for over 50 years, is extremely popular with both children and adults. It has also been adapted to audio dramas (Big Finish Productions), as well as novels, comic books, and a single full feature film. The show is about an alien from planet Gallifrey, who calls himself the Doctor. The Doctor has a time machine, called the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), which looks like a blue police call box. The T.A.R.D.I.S. is bigger on the inside than the outside and can travel through both time and space, sometimes even going where the Doctor wants it to go.
I’m a failure
Have you ever felt like a failure? Have you ever felt like a bad parent, child, partner, friend, student, mentor, human being? Have you felt like you simply weren’t good enough at something extremely important to you? And no matter what you did, you kept seeing the mistakes you made, seeing how others seemed to do it better, fearing that if others knew the truth about you, that they would no longer love you or want to be near you? Or perhaps you felt that you were not thin, beautiful, smart, courageous, creative, strong, productive, or supportive enough?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” please keep reading. Continue reading I’m a failure
You are loved
As we go through our day we may get so wrapped up in what we are doing we may forget to notice the beauty around us. But this post is not abound falling in love with the trees and bumble bees. This post is about falling in love with ourselves.
Finding courage in the face of tragedy
About this time last year things started to come together. My book was getting signed, I had the support of my loved ones, everyone I knew was alive and well. Things were good.
Until they weren’t.
How to be the Jedi of your New Year’s resolutions
It’s that time of the year again – when the New Year begins and the resolutions start strong. For many people this lasts for a few weeks. In fact, at this time they are one with the Force. They are unstoppable. They eat all their vegetables, they avoid all junk food, and they sign up for a 110-year commitment to the gym because this year will be the year that they stick to their resolutions. Forever. And it very well could be.
Continue reading How to be the Jedi of your New Year’s resolutions