Dr. Scarlet was honored to be interviewed by U.S. News on a patients guide to PTSD. You can read the article Here.
Tag: Chernobyl
Dr. Scarlet featured on Yahoo Lifestyle for the 33rd Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster
Dr. Scarlet had the opportunity of being interviewed for Yahoo Lifestyle for the 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. you can read the article and see the interview Here.

Publishing my first book
Writing a book was a dream of mine ever since I learned how to read. I was 3 when I was devouring children’s books. My health destroyed by the Chernobyl radiation, I was not allowed to watch television due to migraines and seizures. Often too sick to go to school, books were both my entertainment and my friends. And I swore that one day I would write one. Continue reading Publishing my first book
How X-Men helped me overcome PTSD
“What wouldn’t I give to be normal!”
(Mystique, ‘X-Men First Class’)
I grew up on fiction. It was brain food to me. I generally preferred to read books to just about any other activity. Over the past few years I’ve been incorporating fictional characters into Superhero Therapy. For me these characters hold a deep and personal meaning, after all, some of them actually helped me recover from my own traumatic history.