Doctor Who helps children with depression

Doctor Who, a BBC science fiction television series that has been running for over 50 years, is extremely popular with both children and adults. It has also been adapted to audio dramas (Big Finish Productions), as well as novels, comic books, and a single full feature film. The show is about an alien from planet Gallifrey, who calls himself the Doctor. The Doctor has a time machine, called the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), which looks like a blue police call box. The T.A.R.D.I.S. is bigger on the inside than the outside and can travel through both time and space, sometimes even going where the Doctor wants it to go.

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You are loved

As we go through our day we may get so wrapped up in what we are doing we may forget to notice the beauty around us. But this post is not abound falling in love with the trees and bumble bees. This post is about falling in love with ourselves.

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When a family member is suicidal – it can happen to anyone… it happened to me

When I woke up on Friday something felt wrong. It felt as if someone punched me in the gut repeatedly. Despair. Pushing away these emotions without taking the time to figure out why I was feeling them nor taking the time to provide myself with the compassion and comfort that I needed, I headed to Camp Pendleton, where I focused on my clients with PTSD.

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Psychology behind Harry Potter books: Post 1 of 3 (compassion)

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past 20 years, you’ve at least heard of Harry Potter. An amazing book series by author J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter tells a tale of a young wizard, whose parents were killed when he was 1 year old by a dark wizard, called Lord Voldemort. At the age of 11 Harry discovers his true wizard identity, despite his abusive aunt and uncle’s attempts to keep this from him, and is able to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he learns how to use magic, and meets his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Over the course of the series, Harry and his friends have frequently had to face monsters and beasts, as well as Lord Voldermort’s followers, and Voldemort himself. Ultimately, it is up to Harry Potter, the chosen one, “the boy who lived,” and his friends to protect the world from Lord Voldemort and his army of dark wizards, who call themselves the Death Eaters.

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Psychology of compassion

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion” (The Dalai Lama)

Compassion is the ability to recognize the suffering of another being and the desire to alleviate that suffering. Compassion is different from empathy in that it does not only involve the ability to experience the physical or emotional pain felt by another being, but also the aspiration to alleviate that pain.

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