I am not good enough: Learning to Manage the Imposter Syndrome

You might have heard people mention the Imposter Syndrome, sometimes known as the Fraud Syndrome. It refers to the idea that your accomplishments aren’t worthy of the attention, praise, and care that you are receiving and that everyone will find out that you are actually a fraud.

It is almost like there is a monster sitting on your shoulder, whispering the worst things about yourself and making you doubt your every move.

Continue reading I am not good enough: Learning to Manage the Imposter Syndrome

Dr. Scarlet’s article on Dark Agents and understanding PTSD

Dr. Scarlet wrote an article for New Harbinger Publications about her book, Dark Agents, and how it helps kids and teens learn more about PTSD.

Click HERE to read the article

Dr. Scarlet To Be Special Guest At PNOC Foundation Event

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and we invite you to celebrate the superhero in us all. September 27th at 1pm PT/4pm ET. This is a free virtual event targeted at children ages 4-12. All children and families are welcome to join in on the fun!

Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium event flyer featuring superhero children
Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium event flyer featuring superhero children

Dr. Scarlet Interviewed for the New York Times!

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be interviewed by Megan Margulies (Granddaughter of Joe Simon, Co-Creator of Captain America) about her origin story and Superhero Therapy can play an important role inspiring heroic behaviors in children.

Click HERE to read article.


Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 57: Monk

ST Podcast Ep. 57: Monk

On this episode Dr. Janina Scarlet and Dustin McGinnis talk about the charmingly entertaining TV series: Monk. They discuss complex trauma, exposure therapy, bullying, and the power of love.

Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Season 3 Chapter 2: Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

S3 Chapter 2: Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake

Is Aunt Marge a Psychopath? How does negative perceptions affect someone’s behavior? How are feelings a form of magic? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Dr. Scarlet and Dustin discuss the Prisoner of Azkaban Chapter 2: Aunt Marges Big Mistake.

Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Season 3 Chapter 1: Owl Post

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

S3 Chapter 1: Owl Post

Dr. Scarlet and Dustin are back for the 3rd season of the Harry Potter Therapy Podcast. In this episode they discuss different types of abuse, friendship being Harry greatest source of happiness, and the true horrors of the witch trials.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 56: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

ST Podcast Ep. 56: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Join Dr. Scarlet and Dustin as they discuss the wonderfully charming Netflix Re-make of the animation classic, She-Ra. They discuss diversity, representation, body positivity, and how grief can motivate heroes as well as villains.

Dr. Scarlet’s San Diego Comic Con 2020 Panel Links

Dr. Scarlet was thrilled to be a part of San Diego Comic Con 2020 at home programming. She was part of two insightful and powerful panels. Please see links below.