Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 50: Chris Rankin and The Magic of Connection

ST Podcast Ep. 50: Chris Rankin and The Magic of Connection

On the 50th episode of the Superhero Therapy Podcast, Dr. Scarlet and Dustin are joined by the magically wonderful actor and wizard, Chris Rankin, known for his role as Percy Weasley in the Harry Potter series. This episode covers the pitfalls of isolation, how to be a real-life member of the Order of the Phoenix, and the magic of social connection.


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Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 49: Practicing Mindfulness in the Midst of Chaos

ST Podcast Ep 49: Practicing Mindfulness in the Midst of Chaos

On this episode Dr. Scarlet and Dustin discuss mindfulness during Covid-19 and provide basic mindfulness practice skills.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 47: Games and Social Connection in the Pandemic

ST Podcast Ep. 47: Games and Social Connection in the Pandemic

Whether you play games or not, you don’t want to miss the new episode of the Superhero Therapy podcast. Dustin and Dr. Scarlet are joined by their good friend, Dr. Billy San Juan. They discuss the value of cultivating social connections and gaming during the pandemic.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 46: Navigating the Stress of the Pandemic with Dr. Kelly McGonigal

ST Podcast Ep. 46: Navigating the Stress of the Pandemic with Dr. Kelly McGonigal

On this wonderfully moving episode, Dr. Scarlet and Dustin are joined by the amazing psychologist, author, and TED speaker: Dr. Kelly McGonigal.

Dr. Kelly McGonigal Book Link