Dr. Scarlet Featured on Shoutout SoCal

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be interviewed by Shoutout SoCal about Superhero Therapy, her goal to destigmatize mental health disorders through our connection to pop culture, and her work with refugees.

Click HERE to read the interview.

Dr. Scarlet’s article on refugee struggles for India America Today

Dr. Scarlet was humbled to write an article about the common mental health issues refugees face. You can read this powerful article Here.

Dr. Scarlet Interviewed by Women’s Health Magazine

Dr. Scarlet was very honored to have been interviewed about her experiences with life after Chernobyl by Women’s Health Magazine.  Click Here to read the article.



Surviving Real Life Horrors

Trigger Warning: Holocaust

My family and I are refugees. We moved to the United States to escape violence related to being Jewish. With the recent rise of Anti-Semitism, I was already feeling threatened. Last Saturday, an angry man with a gun claimed 11 lives of innocent elderly human beings, one of whom, Rose Mallinger, was a 97-year old Holocaust survivor. My heart shattered that day.  Continue reading Surviving Real Life Horrors

Becoming Incredible in the Face of Evil

The world in which children are ripped apart from their parents for running away from war and torture, a world in which the US pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, a world in which children are being put into concentration camps and workers aren’t allowed to comfort them needs Superheroes now more than ever.

Continue reading Becoming Incredible in the Face of Evil

When Evil Rises, We Must Too

“The opposite of a hero is not a villain, it’s a bystander.”

-Matt Langdon (The Hero Construction Company)

Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard from the Harry Potter series, plans to extend his control over the wizarding and the Muggle (non-magical) community by wiping out all Muggles and Muggle-borns. Similar to Voldemort, Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) seeks to exert his control over the Galaxy by wiping out the Jedi. A similar theme too is seen in the X-Men, who are persecuted for their mutant abilities. Continue reading When Evil Rises, We Must Too

This is what a refugee looks like


“No one can know, you understand? You can’t tell anyone.” My mother told me.

I was 10.

I didn’t understand everything but I did know that I had to keep it a secret or we wouldn’t be able to leave. Or worse.

Continue reading This is what a refugee looks like