Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 5: Psychology of Star Wars

ST Podcast Ep. 5: Star Wars

Dr. Scarlet and Dustin are joined by Phillip Anthony Rodriguez (Fifth Brother – Star Wars Rebels) to discuss psychology and Star Wars. Topics include character journeys, what makes good or evil, the concept of hope and much more.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 4: Psychology of Stranger Things

ST Podcast Ep. 4: Stranger Things

Even though Stranger Things takes place in the 1980s, the success of the series is due to its broad appeal.  In this episode, we take a closer look at how the lives and relationships of the characters relate to real life.  Find out how Dr. Scarlet connects with Eleven and her struggles.  We’ll discuss what might be happening to Will as he deals with flashbacks and episodes (PTSD? The Anniversary Effect?).  We’ll take a close look at the relationship Max has with her step brother, Hopper has with Eleven and Eleven has with Dr. Brenner.  How could she remain attached to a man who tortured her?  Is it Stockholm Syndrome?  We’ll also attempt to figure out what psychological representations could be found in The Upside Down.  Finally, we’ll talk about what the series shows us about being a friend and a hero.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 3: Psychology of Game of Thrones

St Podcast Ep. 3: Game of Thrones

It might be exhilarating or shocking to get into the minds of the heroes and villains of Game of Thrones, but that’s what Dr. Scarlet does in today’s episode.  Join her and Dustin as they discuss Brienne, Ramsay, Tyrion and more.

Superhero Therapy Podcast Ep. 2: Psychology of Jessica Jones & The Killgrave Effect

ST Podcast Ep. 2: Jessica Jones and the Killgrave Effect

The psychology of Jessica Jones is heavily rooted in the trauma caused by The Purple Man (Zebadiah Killgrave).  In this episode, Dr. Scarlet explains how The Killgrave Effect’s impact on sexual assault is very real in today’s world.  In fact, a perfect example is present in one of today’s most talked about news stories.  Find out what it all means and how victims and their friends can become heroes.

The effects of self fat-shaming

“You are so fat!” “You’re disgusting!” Who is going to love you if you look like that?” “How can he stand looking at you with your disgusting stomach and your double chin?”

These were just a few of the many things I used to say to myself. The irony was that the more depressed I felt, the more I shamed myself. Continue reading The effects of self fat-shaming

Dream Loot Crate

What if you could design your very own dream Loot Crate? What would it contain?

Given my profession and my work with Superhero Therapy, I wanted to put together an idea for a potential Loot Crate, one which could help people in managing their Dementors of depression and their boggarts of anxiety while helping them connect with their superhero potential. Here’s what I came up with.

Continue reading Dream Loot Crate

Star Wars Challenge: Use the Force

Connecting with the Force includes a certain kind of practice – the practice of mindfulness. This means noticing how you are feeling and what is going on around you in real time. Most of the time we are in a rush, overwhelmed, and stuck inside our own minds. So then, how can we practice using the Force? Continue reading Star Wars Challenge: Use the Force

I’m a failure

Have you ever felt like a failure? Have you ever felt like a bad parent, child, partner, friend, student, mentor, human being? Have you felt like you simply weren’t good enough at something extremely important to you? And no matter what you did, you kept seeing the mistakes you made, seeing how others seemed to do it better, fearing that if others knew the truth about you, that they would no longer love you or want to be near you? Or perhaps you felt that you were not thin, beautiful, smart, courageous, creative, strong, productive, or supportive enough?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” please keep reading. Continue reading I’m a failure

You are loved

As we go through our day we may get so wrapped up in what we are doing we may forget to notice the beauty around us. But this post is not abound falling in love with the trees and bumble bees. This post is about falling in love with ourselves.

Continue reading You are loved

Finding courage in the face of tragedy

About this time last year things started to come together. My book was getting signed, I had the support of my loved ones, everyone I knew was alive and well. Things were good.

Until they weren’t.

Continue reading Finding courage in the face of tragedy