Dr. Scarlet authored the following works:

Read this online comic HERE for FREE
Read this online comic HERE for FREE
Dr. Scarlet contributed chapters, essays, or interviews to the following works:

Hello! I found you thanks to The Mary Sue posting your articles on depression and anxiety as expressed in the Harry Potter universe. That was some great illustration! Glad I was able to find your site that way, too.
Thank you so much, Karina, so glad that you found these helpful 🙂
Greetings, Dr. Jamina!
I stumbled across your site and I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.
I am seeing if there is enough interest for me to start a Google+ community called Geek Media Theraou” I just started following you on Twitter so I still looking at some of my work, I hope you get back with me about this.
The other question that I have is while I’m not a psychologist, what would you recommend the best way to query others in your field offering research about geek media therapy?
I majored in criminal justice technology, and using superheroes, exedra, is something that I fell in love with!
I look forward to hearing your advice.
HI Emily,
so sorry that it took me so long to reply, I’ve been traveling a lot and haven’t had a lot of opportunities to check my messages. So glad you reached out. Have you started the Google + community yet? If so, add me, I’d love to be a part of it.
Regarding queries, I think the best way is just to email people directly or to message them on Twitter.
That’s really cool! Are you currently working in criminal justice?
Hello… My names is James and I am in crisis… I am actually considering taking my own life here in the next 2 weeks. I am a Navy veteran, former firefighter/paramedic, I am currently working as a sleep lab technician doing the administration clerk jobs, I take care of a disabled wife and daughter with health issues. Have Mountainous debt. I also have my own issues. I am currently facing divorce after 26 years of marriage. I have always been a caregiver, a fixer, someone that helps out and supports others. I act very cordial and friendly to those I meet. There is a lot of backstory but to cut things short.. Due to life, conditions at home, etc. My heart has been pained and I’ve been close to ending it all at lest 3-4 times this past year. I have been majorly depressed. Due to the low mobility of my wife from her conditions, I had found respite in another woman that flared my happiness and joy. Her being able to do the things my wife is unable to without major pain and discomfort and being detrimental to her mobility. Anyway, this trist/affair made me very happy. Then my wife found out and of course the inevitable. Trying to explain my reason/logic is “confusing” to her. Ok I get that. She’s extremely heartbroken. Anyhow, the woman I had the small affair with has left me also. So now I have nothing of importance in the realm of love and caring and relationships. I now find no joy, only pain in everything I see no matter how beautiful it is. I always have this thought of “why bother”< "what's the point?" Anyhow I have been planning for a bit, and have to finish getting some things in order before I fully commit. Hopefully soon. I just so tired of everything. The pain and heartache. The daily grind. the hopelessness knowing how tings are going to turn out for most issues in my life. I am truly done. I am sorry for writing this here. I didn't have another outlet. Thank you for reading this. I saw your superhero therapy and it drew me to this site. I truly wish you the best and hope that you are able to help others before they get to my point. Thank you.
Hi James,
I’m so sorry to hear about everything you’ve been through and you’ve been through a lot. I care about you and your safety and don’t want anything to happen to you. Can you please tell me where you are located or give me a number to reach you? Maybe we can chat for a few minutes?