Unseen Unheard and Undervalued book cover

Dr. Scarlet interviewed on the Psychologists Off The Clock Podcast.

Dr. Scarlet was honored to be interviewed by Michael Herold with the Psychologist Off The Clock Podcast about her Newest Book Unseen, Unheard, and Undervalued.

Click HERE to listen to the episode.

Unseen Unheard and Undervalued book cover
Unseen Unheard and Undervalued book cover

Published by

Janina Scarlet

Dr. Janina Scarlet, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, an author, and public speaker. For more information, see the "Meet The Doctor" page and the "Books" page.

2 thoughts on “Dr. Scarlet interviewed on the Psychologists Off The Clock Podcast.”

  1. Loneliness
    God I feel Lonely, Can you hear me cry?
    Can you help me Lord, to understand Why?

    God I feel Lonely, I really don’t know why
    My soul is in anguish and I want to die.

    God I feel Lonely, an aching inside.
    My heart is breaking, Please walk by my side.

    God I feel Lonely, I need to rest
    Can you pick me up? I’ve done my best.

    ~Author: TWB 2024

    I wrote the above poem before reading your book and I knew when I found you (recommended by my therapist) that I found a friend who could possibly help me understand what I am going through.
    Thank you for your doing what you do! I have the book and it is invaluable! Thank you for seeing me!

    Janina really does come across as being the neighbor next door that genuinely cares.

    1. Dear Tammy,
      This is so lovely! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! You’re an amazing poet. I see you, I hear you, I value you. Thank you for being wonderful

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